Monday 12 August 2013

Pakistan summons Indian Deputy HC over LoC ceasefire violations

ISLAMABAD: India’s Deputy High Commissioner to Pakistan was summoned to the Foreign Office on Monday to raise concern of the continuous ceasefire violations by the Indian border security force (BSF) across the Line of Control (LoC) over the last few days. Unprovoked firing by Indian forces resulted in the loss of an innocent civilian in Rawalakot. In a press release issued by the Foreign Ministry, Pakistan called upon Indian to uphold the ceasefire over the LoC and reiterated its commitment to the Ceasefire Agreement of 2003. Pakistan also urged the need for abiding by and strengthening existing military mechanism to ensure that such violations do not recur. The press release said that Pakistan is committed to a constructive, sustained and result-oriented process of engagement with India and believes that serious efforts need to be made in maintaining a positive atmosphere and avoid negative propaganda.